Can reporting the solutions create change in Dallas housing equity?

The Dallas Media Collaborative will launch with coordinated Dallas-wide and county-wide coverage of various aspects of affordable housing, including and lack of housing, with a commitment to using a solutions-focused approach. With several media outlets and universities, a data think tank and a choral ensemble, and with guidance from the Solutions Journalism Network, the Collaborative will equip news sites, magazines, radio and student journalists to do together what each can’t do alone because of budget constraints and massive changes in how the news industry is funded. Our Collaborative will let us all keep our promise to fully inform citizens and encourage civil discourse that leads to civic engagement, ultimately holding the government accountable for its role in supporting solutions.

About Solutions Journalism Network

The Solutions Journalism Network’s mission is to spread the practice of solutions journalism: rigorous reporting on responses to social problems. The organization seeks to rebalance the news, so that every day people are exposed to stories that help them understand problems and challenges, and stories that show potential ways to respond.